1) Students, siblings and friends are not considered qualified translators/interpreters (even if they are bilingual) to provide language assistance to parents and families. a) True b) False 2) Which element should be part of data collection to determine the effectiveness of a district's Multilingual (ML) program? a) scores on state/local assessments b) attendance rates c) participation in extracurricular activities d) all of the above 3) Research shows that when placed at length in segregated settings, MLs may be at risk for school failure, delayed graduation and negative academic self concepts.   a) True b) False 4) What type of federal funding may be used to support English learners and their families in the public school setting? a) Title I b) Perkins Grant c) Title III d) 21st Century Learning Grants 5) Response to Intervention (RTI) may substitute for a Multilingual (ML) program in some cases.  a) True b) False 6) LEAs (local education agency) may use a curriculum that emphasizes English language acquisition over other subjects. a) True b) False 7)  What is the most common tool used to identify potential ELs? a) Parent Survey b) Home Language Survey c) Registration Paperwork d) Birth Certificate 8) When an ML student is determined to be a child with a disability, the student’s ML and disability-related educational needs must be met. a) True b) False 9) LEAs may not recommend that a parent opt a child out of ML programs or services for any reason. a) True b) False 10) Disability evaluations may not be delayed because of a student's limited English proficiency or the student’s participation in a language instruction educational program.  a) True b) False

English Learner Tool Kit (OELA) Game


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