1) ________ children show a growing mastery of complex rules for how words should be ordered. a) two and three years old b) preschool c) kindergarten d) first grade 2) this kind of development is dramatic by preschool a) vocabulary development b) gross motor skills c) awareness of context d) fine motor skills 3) 6 key principals: children learn the words a) they see most often b) that are sung to them c) they hear most often d) that are on tiktok 4) Children learn words for things and events that a) they see most often b) are on seseme street c) are read to them d) interest them 5) in what context do kids learn words better? a) active and reactive b) passive c) responsive and interactive d) passive and responsive 6) Children learn words best in contexts that are a) child - centered b) scaffolded c) social d) meaningful 7) Children learn words best when they access clear information about a) syntax b) phonology c) morphology d) word meaning 8) Children learn words best when this is considered a) syntax and pragmatics b) grammar and vocabulary c) phonics and morphology d) sound and spelling 9) Children learn what kinds of rules about conversation? a) culturally specific b) waiting their turn c) listening and nodding d) taking pauses between sentences 10) Children _______ their speech in different settings a) alter b) lessen c) adapt d) increase 11) As they get older, they become increasingly able to talk a) with a varied vocabulary b) about their day and interests c) more cogently d) about things that are not here and now 12) Around this age, they learn to change their speech style to suit the situation a) first grade b) second grade c) 4 to five years of age 13) During the preschool years most children become sensitive to the sound of spoken words and a) capable of producing most sounds in their language b) capable of producing all the sounds of their language 14) As they move beyond two word utterances, they show knowledge of all morphology rules except: a) plural and possessive verb forms b) appropriate verb endings c) appropriate use of adverbs d) prepositions, articles, and forms of to be

Changes in syntax and Semantics


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