This is the farmer's tractor - Whose tractor is this?, This is the dog's leash. - Whose leash is this?, This is the baby's bottle. - Whose bottle is this?, This is the police officer's car. - Whose car is this?, This is the fireman's helmet. - Whose helmet is this?, This is the garbage man's truck. - Whose truck is this?, This is the teacher's desk. - Whose desk is this?, This is the horse's saddle. - Whose saddle is this?, These are the bird's eggs. - Whose eggs are these?, This is the pilot's plane. - Whose plane is this?, These are the clown's balloons. - Whose balloons are these?, This is the camper's tent. - Whose tent is this?, These are the drummer's drums. - Whose drums are these?, This is the chef's hat. - Whose hat is this?, This is the mailman's bag. - Whose bag is this?, This is the nurse's thermometer. - Whose thermometer is this?, This is the cow's milk. - Whose milk is this?, These are the rabbit's ears. - Whose ears are these?, This is the student's book bag. - Whose backpack is this?, This is the bus driver's bus. - Whose bus is this?,

Possessive Nouns


لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


تبديل القالب

استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: ؟