1) which 4 European countries have lost their measles free status a) Albania Czech Republic Greece and UK b) France the UK Greece and Albania c) Germany Greece France and Denmark d) Poland Greece The UK and Germany 2) MMR stand for what a) measles meningitis and rabies b) measles mumps and rubella c) measles mumps and rabies d) measles meningitis and rickets 3) measles is a highly infectious disease a) false b) true 4) what % of the population needs to be vaccinated to stop outbreaks a) 90% b) 100% c) 95% d) 85% 5) How many days after you have been infected do the first symptoms appear? a) 5 b) 7 c) 10 d) 14 6) which of the following is not an initial symptom of measles a) runny nose sneezing an coughing b) sore red eyes c) high temperature d) small grey spots on the inside of mouth e) rash 7) Measles develop into a rash where on the body does it first appear a) feet b) abdomen c) head or upper neck d) arms 8) if there are 95% of the population vaccinated we have what? a) herd immunity b) happy immunity c) mass immunity d) maximum immunity


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