1) upset and angry, often because someone has been rude a) offended b) gutted c) fed up d) scared stiff 2) unhappy because of being away from home for a long period a) homesick b) delighted c) bewildered d) grateful 3) unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen a) disappointed b) overwhelmed c) thrilled d) delighted 4) unhappy because you are not with other people a) lonely b) fed up c) overwhelmed d) offended 5) feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good a) proud b) thrilled c) down d) disappointed 6) showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person a) homesick b) desperate c) grateful d) thrilled 7) happy that something unpleasant hasn't happened or has ended successfully for you a) relieved b) gutted c) fed up d) grateful 8) bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long a) grateful b) fed up c) horrified d) gutted 9) feeling sad and unhappy; worried or angry a) astonished b) down c) upset d) sick of 10) very shocked or surprised, overwhelmed with good emotions a) stunned b) shuttered c) bewildered d) horrified 11) filled with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amazed a) overwhelmed b) relieved c) upset d) astonished 12) very confused and not sure what to do, puzzled with something that you don't understand a) offended b) bewildered c) gutted d) gobsmacked 13) very pleased and happy a) upset b) homesick c) delighted d) devastated 14) needing or wanting something very much; very serious or bad a) desperate b) homesick c) relieved d) disappointed 15) very shocked and upset; completely destroyed with negative outcomes a) devastated b) disappointed c) grateful d) relieved 16) showing or indicating great shock or horror a) horrified b) desperate c) offended d) shuttered 17) feeling sudden or strong emotion; something outstanding that took your breath away a) overwhelmed b) delighted c) gobsmacked d) scared stiff 18) extremely happy about something a) shuttered b) stunned c) thrilled d) offended 19) extremely frightened and unable to move a) scared stiff b) upset c) proud d) disappointed 20) unhappy; unable to feel excited or energetic about anything a) proud b) upset c) disappointed d) down 21) extremely upset or tired; broken into very small pieces a) grateful b) shuttered c) gobsmacked d) offended 22) utterly astonished; so surprised that you cannot speak a) gobsmacked b) scared stiff c) upset d) lonely 23) to have experienced too much of someone or something with the result that you are annoyed a) desperate b) sick of c) astonished d) overwhelmed 24) extremely disappointed and unhappy a) lonely b) gutted c) grateful d) delighted

EF Upper-Intermediate, unit 5A Feelings, practice

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