voice and control: supports Harry to make decisions about his care, supports Harry to say what is important to him, supports Harry to say what matters to him, supports Harry to say how he wants to live his life, Allowing Harry to communicate in Welsh and to be looked after by a Welsh speaker, Prevention and early intervention: supporting Harry to move into a residential home before he suffers major injury from a fall, this makes sure that Harry is helped and supported with his mobility by for example reminding him and encouraging him to use his walking frame to prevent him falling agina, Getting to know Harry and what is important to him so that he settles in quicky to the residential home such as asking his family about his interests such as gardening as , makes sure that health checks are carried out such as oral health foot care and sight checks to prevent further deterioration in his physical health., Wellbeing: Allows and supports Harry to engage in activities such as gardening, promotes Harry's social well being by becoming involved in activities with other people, Helps promote Harry's physical well being as they are monitioring what he is eating and truing to encourage him to eat more by finding out what foods he likes., co production: This encourages DAvid to become more involved in how he wants his care and support delivered by talking to him and getting his views.., Harry can give his views on how he finds living in the home and what he likes and what they could improve., They carers are working with Harry's family to find out about him and the best way to support and care for him and what is important to him, Ask Harry's family their opinion of the service and for any suggestions that they may have to improve., multi agency working: This will allow different people to work together to ensure Harry's needs are met, Other professionals may work with Harry such as physiotherapist and occupational therapist to help with his mobility and prevent another fall, The residential home may get advice from a dietitian with regard to Harry's lack of appetite, community groups can come into the home to deliver activities or spend time with the residents,


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