Linking points and arguments: Moreover, … / Furthermore, … / In addition, …, In contrast to (this is) …, In that respect …, Not only that, but, as opposed to, in the sense that -, For this reason, Considering….., generalisations: оn the whole, in general, generally speaking, for the most part, as a rule, The reality is that….., Being specific: with respect to, in the case of, as regards, in terms of, with the exception of, From the ….. point of view…., They are seen as….., Specifically,..., Attitude: Personally…, Unfortunately…, Obviously…, Evidently…, Presumably…, Naturally…, Fortunately.., Giving sides: One argument in favour of this is …., In support of….., It is true that……, At the same time…., In actual fact….., Set/ weighed against this is….., Conversely,...,

Linking - CPE Writing part 1


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