When is your Mum’s birthday? - -, What is today’s date? - -, When is Independence day in your country? - -, How many people are there on Earth? - 7.888 billion (2021), How long have humans been on Earth? - Approximately 200,000 years., When did dinosaurs become extinct? - 65 million years ago., How many cans of Cola are sold every day? - Coca‑Cola Company products 1.7 billion times every single day—about 19,400 beverages every second., When will the Sun explode? - Stars like our Sun burn for about nine or 10 billion years. So our Sun is about halfway through its life. But don't worry. It still has about 5,000,000,000—five billion—years to go., When YouTube was launched? - February 14, 2005, San Mateo, California, United States, What is the average salary in your country? - -, What is your height? - -, How much meat does humanity consume every year? - Globally, we consume around 350 million tons of meat a year., How many articles are there on Wikipedia? - As of 28 October 2023, there are 6,735,683 articles in the English Wikipedia containing over 4.3 billion words (giving an average of about 658 words per article). Including articles, the total number of pages is 59,263,879.,

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