Correct: You cannot sell your chametz on erev pesach.after chatzos., You can only use oil that burns well or wax candles., Juice can make flour into chametz faster than water, so it cannot be used for matzah., On pesach, there are 5 days of chol hamoed in Eretz Yisroel. chol hamoedd, You can move Nolad on shabbos., Incorrect: Whoever doesn't give machatzis hashekel is forced to give on the 15th of Adar., If you do Melacha on shabbos without witnesses is not punished (at all). , You get punished malkus if you don't say\hear kiddush., It is a COMMON minhag for the men to light and then extinguish the candles., You get punished by kares if you smear oil on YOM KIPUR.,

Yahadus Book 2, Test 1

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النمط البصري


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