PowerShell (.ps1) - Windows-only scripting environment that extends the functionality of the command prompt to enable the automation of internal Windows and Active Directory functions., Shell script (.sh) - Commonly runs in the command prompt, or shell, of a Unix or Linux device. Since most Linux features can be managed from the command line with powerful automation options., Batch file (.bat) - Commonly runs in the console or command line of a Windows device, and it can automate the same processes that a user would perform manually at the Windows command prompt., Python (.py) - General-purpose scripting language is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data visualisation., JavaScript (.js) - Is used on many web sites to enhance the functionality within a user's browser. This can be used for automation, tracking, interactivity features, and to extend the functionality of the browser, VBScript (.vbs) - Can be used for many Windows-related scripting purposes, and one of the most common is to automate the functionality of Microsoft Office applications,
CompTia A+ 1102 - Scripting Languages
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خيارات الإرجاع
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رمز الاستجابة السريعة
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