1) This rope is stronger than that one. a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 2) Did the pitcher throw a fast ball? a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 3) The toaster is broken. a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 4) This milk is creamier than that milk.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 5) The catcher caught the fly ball. a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 6) I never saw a stranger looking dog.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 7) Put the water bottles in the cooler.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 8) Use a lawn mower to cut the grass.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 9) Did someone turn off the heater? a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 10) Did a dancer leap across the stage? a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 11) We whip eggs with an egg beater. a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 12) This rock is heavier than that one.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 13) Did the challenger win the game? a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 14) A discoverer found the hidden cave. a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More 15) The propeller propels the plane.  a) (noun) One who b) (noun) That which c) (adjective) More

What does the suffix -er mean in each sentence? Look at the bolded word. HC


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