otter - semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family, Dwarf Sperm Whale i - one of the smallest species of whale., Shark - large fish that have a skeleton made of cartilage, Clown Fish - the name of several types of fish that live in tropical oceans, Turtle - Turtles are reptiles. A reptile is a cold-blooded animal with scales, Sea Lion - Sea lions are large marine mammals native to all of the world's oceans., Seahorses - Named for the shape of their head, which looks like the head of…. yup, you guessed it -a tiny horse, Jelly Fish - marine invertebrates that live in oceans all over the world, Ocotpus - a sea animal with eight arms., Penguins - are flightless, aquatic bird, Aquarium - a place where fish and other animals that live in water are kept by humans., Walrus - large mammal that lives in cold Arctic seas of Europe, Asia, and North America., Crab - animals that live in water., Lobster - a hard-shelled animal that lives in salt water and has two big front claws, or pincers. P,
What Do You See At The Aquarium?
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