1) What is the name of this boy? a) Klaus Johansson b) Jesper Klaus c) Jesper Johansson 2) Who is this man towards (по відношенню до) Jesper? a) his boss b) his father c) his unkle 3) Where did his father send him? a) To the island, surrounded by water b) to the cold mountains c) to the hot desert 4) What is the name of the island? a) Icecreamburg b) Postmanburg c) Smeerensburg 5) When Jesper talked to a man, which could get him to the island, he said: "Чи ми починаємо розуміти одне одного?" a) Do we understand each other? b) Are we starting to connect the dots? c) Do we get each other's point? 6) Who helped Jesper to get to the island? Say "перевізник" in English a) ferryman b) shipman c) carryman 7) When you're on the boat and ready to go, captain says "Підняти якір!" a) anchor away b) anchor up c) anchor down 8) What was the Jesper's purpose (мета / призначення) on the island? a) To get 6000 letters or his father would cut him off b) to get 6000 letters or he wouldn't come back home c) to get 6000 letters or his father would be mad (злий) 9) Who was the postman forced (змушений) to live with? His reaction was: "You must be kidding" (Ви знущаєтесь) a) pigs b) chicken c) ferryman 10) On the island there were 2 clans, which have resentment and spite (образа і злоба). What are their names? a) Harms and Ellingboos b) Krums and Ellіngboes c) Comes and Ellingbees 11) How did the Ellingboe father (Axel) call his daughter? a) carrot b) orange c) pumpkin 12) When 2 clans had a conflict, one said to another: "Why are you розкудахталась / розкричалась?" a) to chicken out b) to shout c) to cry 13) Where did the postman hid and kept low (сховався і пригнувся) from the feud (ворожнеча)? a) in the supermarket b) in the fisherman's counter (рибацька лавка) c) in the school 14) Complete the sentence: "... wanted to become a ..., but people don't send their kids to school" a) Alva wanted to become a teacher b) Ava wanted to become a shopwoman c) Alve wanted to become a cook 15) Say the names of the fish, which Alva sold: "скумбрія, оселедець, тріска" a) herring, burbot, mackerel b) mackerel, herring, burbot c) burbot, mackerel, herring 16) What mean of comedy (засіб комічності) people in the cartoon use a lot? a) irony b) duping (обман) c) sarcasm 17) What is the synonym for the word "postman"? a) mailman b) snailman c) smileman 18) - What do you need to send the letter to someone? - "Папір, конверт, марка, поштові витрати, поштовий ящик" a) paper, envelope, stamp, postage, mailbox b) leaf, envelope, print, postage, mailbox c) sheet, wrapper, stamp, money, mailbox 19) What is the synonym to the word "friend", which ferryman used for Klaus? a) mate b) enemy c) fella 20) Jesper's father insіsted (наполягав) he needs a "встряска, пробудження" and "випробування" indeed (справді). a) alarm; hardship b) wake-up call; ordeal c) shake; test 21) The postman realised that no one wants to write letters in the Smeerensburg, so he drove to... a) the woods and met deers b) the outskirts (на околицю) and met Klaus c) the ferryman, who bring him back home 22) Adults communicate with dirty deeds / mischiefs / pranks (шкодні вчинки), so Jesper decided to... a) make letters out of kids' wishes drawings b) make letters out of his own drawings c) make letters out of Klaus' diary 23) Kids didn't know how to write, so they came to... a) Alva b) Ferryman c) Jesper 24) When Jesper met Klaus, Jesper was very ... and thought Klaus is ... a) modest (скромний) to ask for help, busy b) glad, a toymaker c) afraid, an ex murderer (колишній вбивця) 25) When Klaus frightened the postman, he said "краще живим у канаві, ніж розірваним на шматки" a) better alive in the gutter, then hacked into pieces b) its good to live in the canal, than to be killed c) i'd like to live rather then be dead 26) The mailman found a lot of ... in the ... a) woodtoys, Klaus' barn b) weapon (зброя), Klaus' house c) toys, Klaus' place 27) What Jesper realized in this moment? That Klaus, perhaps (можливо), ... a) loves kids and has a good heart b) is a real murderer c) is a strange person 28) What was the first toy Klaus and Jesper delivered, when he climbed over the fence (паркан) and got in the house? a) a cat b) a frog c) a bicycle 29) How did Jesper describe Klaus? a) healthy, strong, high b) tiny, minikin, thumbnail c) disproportionately big, strapping, statuesque 30) What is the hobby of Klaus? a) make birdhouses b) write letters c) cook for kids 31) "Ходять чутки", that kids of Smeerensburg started to write letters "самостійно, без підказок" a) there are rumors, by them b) word got around, unprompted c) gossips are going, by themselves 32) In the end, Jesper felt miserable, irrelevant, priceless (жалюгідно) and "стояв на перехресті вибору": stay or return home a) stood at the intersection of choice b) was in the crossroad of deсision c) stayed at the crossing road of option 33) At first, Alva wanted to leave the island on savings and while that she said to herself "тримайся" a) wait a little longer b) hold on c) hang in there 34) - Watch your steps! (дивись під ноги) - Oh, thanks! - "Немає за що" a) it's ok b) my pleasure c) not at all 35) 2 clans had "славну ненависть, яка йшла крізь покоління" (1) - це "спадщина їх предків" (2). a) Glorious hatred through generations (1) b) heritage of their ancestors (2) c) happy hate from the past (1) d) things from their grandparents (2) 36) When you're "in love" (закоханий), you have: a) intense look (уважний погляд) b) palpitation of the heart (завищене серцебиття) c) whimpering (ниття, якщо не взаємно) d) soіling pants (брудні штани через стрес) 37) When sack (мішок) with presents became too heavy, Klaus and Jesper tamed (приручили)... a) chicken b) deers c) horses 38) When toys were gone, Jesper encourage Klaus to make them, because it's their "клятвенний обов'язок не розбити мрії дітей" a) sworn duty not to shatter kids' dreams b) responsibility not to broke wishes c) important to make desires come true 39) Klaus' laugh sounds like "Ho-ho-ho" and Jesper wanted to hear more, so he asked for "хіхікання, смішок, реготня" a) mouth, lips, teeth b) smile, laugh, joke c) snicker, chuckle, gіggle 40) This kid behaved icky (поводився погано), so he got a "кусочок вугілля", because he's on the "список неслухняних" a) clump of coal; naughty list b) piece of ash; bad list c) little cinder; bad behavior list 41) The main song of the cartoon says "найчудовіші речі з усіх відомих - непомітні" a) The greatest things you'll ever know are invisible b) the best famous things are hidden c) the most beautiful things are shadow 42) To destroy all presents and continue сonflict, 2 clans reached "перемир'я" and made "приманку, засідку" a) goodwill and piece; a barrier, difficulty b) a truce; an ambush, a decoy c) a handshake; a cookie, a barricade 43) What are the Klaus' (1) and Jesper's (2) credos (життєва позиція)? a) The true act of goodwill always sparks another (1) - хороша справа завжди запалює іншу b) Everybody is out to get something (2) - кожен шукає вигоду c) Do everything you can (1) - роби те, що можеш d) Enjoy your life (2) - насолоджуйся життям 44) When there is a person, who is "too much" (кого занадто багато), you can say "It's..." a) Trespassing, cramped, inconvenient b) comfortable, good, useful c) bad, awkward, anxious 45) There was a girl Margo from the ..., Klaus and Jesper made a ... for her. After that her family came to help with making toys. a) South Pole; cat b) Equator; snowboard c) North Pole; boat 46) Jesper didn't want to admit that he likes to deliver presents, so he said: "Я не посміхаюсь, а просто морщусь від сонця" a) It's not a smile, it's frown from the moon b) I'm not laughing, it's all sun c) I'm not smiling, just squinting from the sun 47) What is the reason Klaus had a lot of toys and it was a feat (подвиг) for him to get them away? a) with wife they wanted to have kids, but they never came b) he worked as a teacher and loved kids c) he had a lot of nieces and nephews 48) What Jesper missed a lot while being on the island? a) personal butler b) breakfast in bed c) silk sheets d) all correct 49) Who is more chatterbox (більш балакучий): Jesper or Klaus? a) Jesper b) Klaus c) both 50) Be honest: how do you like the movie (all answers are correct, don't worry). Thank you for finishing the test! a) b) c)
Klaus cartoon (Netflix)
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