avert - prevent, concise - 简洁的, closed-loop communication - use of standardized terminology and procedures, discourteous - 不礼貌的, initiative - proposal, palliative - 缓解剂 adj, debilitating - 衰弱 adj, franchise - 特许经销权, oscillates - 振荡 v, Bereavement - 丧亲 n , palatable - 可口的, convalesces - 逐步康复 v, contraception - 避孕 n, inadvertent - 无意的 adj, pertinent - 直接相关的 adj, varicose vein - 曲张静脉, teratogenic - 致畸的, stretcher - 担架, brisk - 轻快的, modulate - 调节,



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