dead sea scrolls - Hidden by the Essenes and discovered in 1947., sanhedrin - Official governing body of the Jews during the time of Jesus, pharisees - Rival of the Sadducees, popular with the middle class, zealots - This group called for a military overthrow of the Roman authorities, temple - The Sadducees were committed to this central place of worship, new jersey - The Holy Land (Israel) is similar in size to this American state, galilee - Most of Jesus' Apostles are from this northern region of Israel., holy spirit - In the story of Jesus' Baptism, the dove represents which Person of the Holy Trinity?, father - In the story of Jesus' Baptism, the voice from the heavens represents which Person of the Trinity?, jordan river - Jesus was Baptized in what body of water?, all four - Which Gospels use the Baptism of Jesus as the beginning point of HIs public ministry?, stones - In the first temptation, Satan tempts Jesus to turn these into bread., resurrection - The Sadducees did not believe in the __________________., judea - The Temple is located in Jerusalem, which is located in this southern region of the Holy Land., sadducees - This group only accepted the first five books of the Bible as God's authoritative Word., rabbi - This word means teacher or master., nazareth - Jesus was raised in this small village in Galilee., samaria - This region is centrally located and the people there were despised by most Jewish people in Jesus' day., meal - Considered a sacred act expressing unity and friendship., norms - Jesus challenged society's _________ as he reached out to the marginalized such as the sick, the poor, and women.,
World of Jesus (2024)
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