1) The alarms are disrupting your patient's sleep. Which is the best voalte message to collaborate with the provider? a) b) c) d) 2) It is your second Acute Care Foundations class - what is professional to wear to class? a) b) c) d) e) 3) I am sick and cannot attend class - what should I do? a) Call Manager b) Call Staffing c) Email Educator d) Text my friend to let everyone know 4) I see a problem with my timecard - who should I contact to correct the issue? a) Email Educator b) Email Manager c) Call Staffing d) Call Manager 5) During rounds the provider does not provide the most up to date information - what do you do? a) Stay quiet b) Let preceptor talk c) Quietly tell them later d) Speak up politely 6) I have a concern but it's not urgent - Which method of contact is best? a) Email b) Call c) Voalte message d) Text 7) It is your 1st shift - what is professional to wear to work? a) b) c) d) e) 8)  You're trying to bond with your new colleagues at 0200 - the noise level is getting loud - what should you do? a) Say nothing b) Apologize to the nearby patients c) Gotta stay awake somehow! d) Suggest moving the conversation to the team room to reduce noise 9) I have a concern that is time sensitive - Which method of contact is best? a) Email b) Call c) Voalte message d) Text 10) I'm not feeling supported by my preceptor - what can I do? a) Contact my manager b) Email Program Director c) Stay quiet d) Contact my educator

Quiz of Professionalism in Nursing


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