Social Stratification - a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige, caste system - a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives, class system - refers to social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishment, meritocracy - an ideal system in which personal effort—determines social standing, status consistency - of an individual’s rank across social categories like income, education, and occupation, Standard of Living - refers to the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic lifestyle, Social Mobility - the ability to change positions within a social stratification system, Upward Mobility - an increase—or upward shift—in social class, Downward Mobility - a lowering of one’s social class, Intergenerational Mobility - a difference in social class between different generations of a family, Intragenerational Mobility - a difference in social class between different members of the same generation, Structural Mobility - societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder, Class Traits - are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class, Wealth - refers to the value of money and assets a person has from, for example, inheritance, Income - refers to the money a person earns from work or investments,
Sociology: Social Stratification Vocabulary
11th Grade
12th Grade
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