force - the push or pull on matter that enables that matter to CHANGE in motion (aka: accelerate) and interact; the means in which that energy is transferred, contact forces - require actual touch or contact to interact with matter, non-contact - exist without touch or contact and still influence matter, applied force - force that is directly applied to object; contact force, normal force - support force; contact force, friction - force of surface resistance against an object's motion along it; contact force, gravitational force - force of ATTRACTION between MASSES of matter; non-contact force, magnetic - force of ATTRACTION or Repulsion between CHARGES of matter; increase distance = decrease magnetic force; non-contact force, cohesion - the attraction force between molecules of the same substance, adhesion - the attraction force between unlike molecules of different substances, surface tension - the inward force of every single droplet of water; due to cohesive forces pulling inward,

8th gr Forces

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النمط البصري


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