Aaron Beck - used questioning to reveal irrational thinking and then persuades people to challenge and change negative self-talk by taking appropriate responsibility and resisting extremes, Albert Ellis - developed rational-emotive behavior therapy in the 1950s, emphasizing the impact of irrational beliefs on emotional well-being; therapist helps client understand irrational beliefs that lead to distress, Sigmund Freud - believed that unconscious conflicts produce anxiety; advocated use of free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of transference, Mary Cover Jones - worked with “Little Peter” to reduce his fear of a white rabbit; presented the pleasant stimulus of food with the rabbit, reducing Peter’s fear of the rabbit until he was able to touch it, Carl Rogers - developed client-centered therapy in which client growth is fostered through specific therapeutic techniques that emphasize the significance of active listening and unconditional positive regard, B.F. Skinner - pioneered research about operant conditioning, the idea that consequences strongly influence voluntary behavior; led to development of behavior modification in which reinforcement and punishment are used to shape behavior, Joseph Wolpe - developed exposure therapies, which try to change people’s reactions by repeatedly exposing them to stimuli that trigger unwanted reactions,
8.7 Research Contributions - Major Figures in Psychological Treatment
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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