use as to say sb or sth is that thing, or has that function - He works as a nurse., use as + subject + verb to mean the same as - Things happened exactly as I had predicted., use as to mean because - As tomorrow is a public holiday, I will not be giving you any homework to do., use as + certain verbs including describe and regard - The teachers regard you as the best group of students in the school., use as + adjectives or adverbs + as to make comparisons - Mike is not as clever as his sister., use as to mean for example in the phrase such as - I spent summer visiting places in Europe such as Venice, Florence and Barcelona., use as + the same ... as - You're wearing the same color shirt as me!, use as in the phrases as far as I'm concerned/know and as far as I can tell/see - As far as I know, my grandparents have always lived in the same house., use be/seem/sound/etc. + like to mean similar to - He's eating what looks like a hamburger., use like to mean for example - He enjoys all sorts of adventure sports like paragliding, windsurfing and canoeing.,
FCE 2 Unit 10 AS and LIKE
تحرير المحتوى
لوحة الصدارة
عرض المزيد
عرض أقل
لوحة الصدارة هذه في الوضع الخاص حاليًا. انقر على
لتجعلها عامة.
عَطَل مالك المورد لوحة الصدارة هذه.
عُطِلت لوحة الصدارة هذه حيث أنّ الخيارات الخاصة بك مختلفة عن مالك المورد.
خيارات الإرجاع
قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.
يجب تسجيل الدخول
النمط البصري
يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
ستظهر لك المزيد من التنسيقات عند تشغيل النشاط.
فتح النتائج
نسخ الرابط
رمز الاستجابة السريعة
استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: