Nuclear fusion is what happens in the Sun and other ... - stars and involves joining two atomic nuclei to make one larger one., At COP28, US special climate envoy John Kerry announced ... - an international plan to boost nuclear fusion as an emissions-free technology., The buzz around fusion energy as a way to reduce emissions has ... - been building over the past year., The breakthrough came after ... - the final experiment at the UK's JET fusion laboratory in Oxford produced a new world record for fusion power generation., There is potential in fusion ... - to revolutionize our world., Australia, China, Germany and Japan are ... - also pursuing fusion, according to Reuters., We are closer to fusion energy than ever before ... - thanks to the international team of scientists and engineers in Oxfordshire., AI could help solve a problem in the development of nuclear fusion, while ... - a new world record for fusion power generation has been set in the UK., Emissions-free nuclear fusion technology could be a game-changer ... - in the fight against climate change, if it can be scaled up., It produced 69 megajoules of energy over five seconds - or enough energy ... - to heat up to five hot baths, according to the BBC, triple what it produced back in 1997.,
Is Nuclear Fusion the Future of Clean Energy? - Homework
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