1) What does the word "Armistice" mean eg. "They called an Armistice which ended the war."? a) A type of celebration b) A peace agreement to stop fighting c) A kind of ship d) A military leader 2) Each year, the Scottish people have a "Hogmanay" party on 31st December. What is "Hogmanay"? a) A Scottish New Year's Eve celebration b) A type of food c) A traditional Scottish song d) A mountain in Scotland 3) What does it mean to be "high spirited"? a) Full of energy and enthusiasm b) Feeling tired and sleepy c) Very quiet and calm d) Angry and upset 4) "I'm aniticipating a LOT of fun on my birthday!" What does "anticipating" mean? a) Forgetting about something b) Looking forward to something c) Being scared of something d) Trying to avoid something 5) "He's a notorious bully!" What does "notorious" mean? a) Famous for being dangerous or bad b) Unknown to most people c) Very beautiful d) Filled with kindness 6) "Sadly, all the passengers in the air crash perished". What does "perished" mean? a) To get lost b) To survive a difficult situation c) To die or be destroyed d) To fall asleep 7) "Luckily, there were no fatalities in the accident!" What does "fatalities" mean? a) People who are injured b) People who die in an accident or disaster c) People who are lost d) People who are saved 8) "When our boat was sinking, we called the coastguard" - what's a "coastguard"? a) A person who guards the coast b) A type of ship used in wars c) A team that protects and helps people at sea d) A group of fishermen 9) "We erected statue to remember them by": What does "erected" mean? a) To knock something down b) To hide something c) To cover something d) To put up or build something 10) "The town has a rich maritime history because of its many old ships" What does "maritime" mean? a) Related to the sea b) Related to farming c) Related to space  d) Related to cooking


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