delineate - clearly describe or outline something, collaborative - working together with other to achieve a common goal, perspective - a person's experiences, background knowledge, preferences, feelings, and thoughts. Everyone's perspectives are unique., coherent - logically connected and easy to understand, qualitative - understanding people's thoughts, feelings, and experiences through detailed descriptions, probe - investigate or examine something thoroughly, integration - bringing together different parts to form a whole, elicit - to draw out or bring forth a response, answer, or reaction from someone, components - individual parts that make up a whole, sequence - specific order in which things follow one another, distinguish - recognize or show the difference between two or more things, emphasize - give special importance or prominence to something, pose - present or put forward something, such as a question, problem, or challenge, accentuate - make something more noticeable or prominent, elaborate - explain something in more detail or to add more information, valid - based on truth or logic, and acceptable, quantitative - anything that can be measured or expressed in numbers,

Vocabulary_Tier 2_2024-25

لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


تبديل القالب

استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: ؟