1) When you are in class online, you should: a) Sit in front of of the camera. b) Walk to the other room. c) Point the camera toward the ceiling. 2) When you are in class online, you should NOT: a) Listen to your teacher. b) Make faces at the camera. c) Listen to your classmates. 3) When you are in class online, you should: a) Do your best work. b) Play with your toys. c) Play video games. 4) When you are in class online, you should NOT: a) Raise your hand if you have a question. b) Wait for your teacher to call on you. c) Talk to your friend, while your teacher is speaking. 5) If you have to leave the meeting, you should a) Let your teacher know b) Leave the meeting without telling anyone c) Scream that you have to go while the teacher is talking 6) Your teacher leaves the meeting unexpectedly because her power went out, you should a) scream b) cry c) wait for her or another teacher to tell you what to do 7) When you are in class online, you should NOT a) walk away to the other room b) write your answers on your paper if you have it c) stay on the camera 8) When you are in class online, where should you sit? a) on the floor b) in your bed c) on a chair 9) If you have to go to the bathroom during a meeting, you should: a) leave without telling anyone b) scream that you have to go to the bathroom and run away c) ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom 10) You are having problems getting into the meeting, you should: a) turn off your computer and take the day off b) ask your parents to email Mrs. Novasak c) play with your toys

Quizshow virtual: Expected/Unexpected Behaviors


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