Basic Domains of Lifespan Development - Physical, cognitive, and psychosocial, Continuous Development - Process that gradually builds, not set in stages, Discontinuous Development - Process that takes place in discrete stages, Psychosexual Theory - The first theory to point out that childhood experiences play a large part in who we become as adults., Freud's Stages of Development - Five stages of development linked to specific milestones surrounding body parts. Ex. "Anal Stage", Psychosocial Theory - In addition to childhood experiences, social experiences across our lifetime shape who we are as adults., Erikson's Stages of Development - Eight stages that each require mastery before progressing. Stages like "Trust vs. Mistrust" or "Autonomy vs. Guilt", Cognitive Theory - Development can be measured using the way that children use logical reasoning. Ex. "Which glass is more full?", Piaget's Stages of Development - Four stages that would determine how developed a child's use of reasoning is., Theory of Moral Development - Through the use of a scenario about a man stealing medicine to help his wife, we can determine a child's development based on how they judge the man., Kohlberg's Stages of Development - Six stages of development that described how a child might approach moral reasoning.,
PSY 1010 Exam 2 Terms Recall
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