Purpose - Team members understand and agree on the team's purpose and goals., Results - The team accomplishe what it sets out to achieve., Meeting Process - Meetings are well faciliated and focused and result in clear outcomes., Decisions - Ther are clear and articulated agreements about how decisions will be made., Commitment - Team members buy in to decisions without hidden reservations or hesitation; actions reflect their commitment., Contributions - Member contributions (ideas and information) are recognized and utilized. Different styles are embraced., Creativity - Team members experiment with different ways of doing things and are creative in their approach., Collaboration - Team members share their experience and expertise in ways that enhance team productivity and development., Respect - Team members feel valued as an individual member. All members are treated with respect., Interpersonal Communication - Communication between members is open and balanced at meetings., Productive Conflict - Members engage in unfliltered debate around ideas and issues., Unproductive Conflict - Members work contructively on issues until they are resolved., Procedures - There are effective procedures to guide team functioning both during meetings and outside of meetings., Accountability - Team members hold each other accountable., Evaluation - The team regularly evaluates its process and productivity.,
Art of Coaching Teams Sort
تحرير المحتوى
لوحة الصدارة
عرض المزيد
عرض أقل
لوحة الصدارة هذه في الوضع الخاص حاليًا. انقر على
لتجعلها عامة.
عَطَل مالك المورد لوحة الصدارة هذه.
عُطِلت لوحة الصدارة هذه حيث أنّ الخيارات الخاصة بك مختلفة عن مالك المورد.
خيارات الإرجاع
قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.
يجب تسجيل الدخول
النمط البصري
يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
ستظهر لك المزيد من التنسيقات عند تشغيل النشاط.
فتح النتائج
نسخ الرابط
رمز الاستجابة السريعة
استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: