1) Agronomy, taught by agronomisrs, is a) the study of primitive races b) the survey of human emotions c) the science of farming 2) Anthropology , taught by anthropologists, is a) the science of ants b) the study of man c) the art of poetry 3) Embryology, taught by embriologists, is a) the study of coals b) the study of the development of living creatures before their birth c) the study of amber 4) Entomology, taught by entomologist, is a) the study of insects b) the study of the derivation of words c) the study of tombs and monuments 5) Graphology, taught by graphologists, is a) the analysis of handwriting b) the study of the earth c) the study of maps 6) Linguistics, taught by linguists, is a) the science of language b) the study of linking chains together c) branch of mathematics dealing with lines 7) Penology, taught by penologists, is a) the art of good penmanship b) the study of old-age pensioners c) the study of prison management 8) Philosophy, taught by philologists, is a) the art of wisdom b) literary scholarship c) the study of the derivation of words 9) Physiology, taught by physiologist, is a) the study of the functions of the body b) the study of the function of the.mind c) the science of matter and energy 10) Seismology, taught by seismologists, is a) the splitting of atom b) the science of earthquakes c) the study of famous quotations 11) Theology, taught by theologians, is a) the study of religion b) the art of the theatre c) the study of wind 12) Typography, taught by typographers, is a) the making of maps b) the art of printing c) the study of human types
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