Any form of communication that a company uses to remind consumers about their products - Promotion , The transfer of a message from a sender to a receiver - Communication Process, When the persom converts an idea into a message that the receiver can understand - Encoding, The method by which the message travels - Media, Any person to person exchange - Interpersonal Communication, Attempts to reach a large audience through mass media - Mass Communication , Any form paid nonpersonal communication that uses mass media to deliver a marketers message to an audience - Advertising , Any nonpaid mention of a product/company - Publicity , The effort to reach consumers by generating positive publicity - Public Relation , A signal is sent from a central transmitter to receivers in a geographic area - Broadcast Media, Any paid message in a magazine or newspaper - Print Advertising, Any marketing message sent to an audience through the mail. - Direct Mail, Person to Person communication with potential customers in an effort to remind the customer to purchase a product/service - Personal Selling, Any activity that gives consumers a direct incentive to buy - Sales Promotion , The reciever's response to the message - Feedback,
Marketing Flash Cards
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البطاقات التعليمية
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يجب تسجيل الدخول
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يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
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