things you’ll hear on a recorded message: You’ve reached (Riccardo’s) mobile., Please leave a message and we’ll get back to you., Thank you for calling (Dr Singh’s office). Our (office) hours are (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)., I can’t take your call right now, but if you leave a message with your name and number, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can., starting a message: It’s (John) here., This is (Marcelo Fagundes). I’m calling about ..., I’m calling to (ask for/request) ..., I was ringing to (see if/find out if) ..., making a polite request: Can you/Could you (call me back/check) ... ?, Will you/Would you (look for it/explain ...), please?, Do you think you could (have a look at it for me)?, I wonder if you would mind (having a look/helping me) ... ?, giving detailed information: You’ll need to (open the .../speak to ...)., It’s the (one) that’s (sitting on the desk)., You’ll find it (on the table next to the ...)., The event starts at ... , (so you have to be there at ...)., asking for further phone actions: Can you call me back?, You can reach me on (this number/0775867435).,

Speak out B1+ (3ed) unit 1C leaving phone messages


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النمط البصري


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