1) Jane _____ to leave at 9 a.m. because her flight is at 12 p.m. a) have b) has c) doesn't have d) don't have 2) We _____ to send the invitations out this week since the wedding is next year. a) has b) doesn't have c) don't have d) have 3) Carla and Tyler _____ to eat more vegetables if they want to be healthier. a) doesn't have b) don't have c) have d) has 4) I _____ to bring my passport to the airport. a) don't have b) doesn't have c) has d) have 5) You _____ to get to class on time. a) have b) don't have c) has d) doesn't have 6) He _____ to write a report for a big meeting tomorrow. a) has b) have c) don't have d) doesn't have 7) He _____ to play music or the party will be so boring! a) don't have b) has c) doesn't have d) have 8) They _____ to wake up early because they don't have school today. a) has b) have c) doesn't have d) don't have 9) What do you mean it's snowing? If that's true, then we _____ to go to the office today. a) don't have b) doesn't have c) has d) have 10) Since the road is closed, they _____ to take a different way home. a) has b) don't have c) have d) doesn't have 11) She went to bed early because she _____ to wake up early tomorrow. a) doesn't have b) has c) don't have d) have 12) Maria _____ to drive to work because she works from home. a) have b) has c) don't have d) doesn't have 13) Alan _____ to give his dog eye drops to help her see. a) doesn't have b) has c) have d) don't have 14) If you want to learn a new language, you _____ to be patient and study a lot. a) has b) don't have c) have d) doesn't have 15) We _____ to learn how to cook for ourselves so we don't spend so much money on door dash . a) have b) has c) don't have d) doesn't have

Modals: have to / has to / don't have to / doesn't have to

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