1) Что это? Это чайный сервиз. a) What's that? It's a train. b) What's this? It's a tea set. c) What are these? They are balls. 2) Что это? Это куклы. a) What's this? It's a doll. b) What are these? They are desks. c) What are those? They are dolls. 3) Чьё это? Это Катино. a) Whose is this? It's Kate's. b) What's this? It's a ball. c) Who is this? This is Kate. 4) Это - моя кухня, а там - моя игровая комната. a) That is my living room and this is my bedroom. b) This is my kitchen and that is my playroom. c) This is my living room and that is my playroom. 5) Это - мои игрушки, а там - игрушки Тома. a) This is my toys and that is Tom's toys. b) That is my toy and these are his games. c) These are my toys and those are Tom's toys. 6) У меня есть кот. У Ника есть собака. a) I have got a cat. Nick has got a dog. b) I have got a cat. Nick have got a dog. c) I have got a cap. Nick has got a doll.

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