
English / ESL A1 a2

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Speaking Challenge A2
Speaking Challenge A2 Отваряне на кутията
A2 - giving your opinion
A2 - giving your opinion Случайни колело
AEF Starter U6B - A typical day
AEF Starter U6B - A typical day Етикетирани диаграма
Who's who?
Who's who? Етикетирани диаграма
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Довършете изречението
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary Флаш карти
AEF Starter U6A - simple present
AEF Starter U6A - simple present Етикетирани диаграма
Present Simple - 3rd person
Present Simple - 3rd person Довършете изречението
Can / must / have to ( + -)
Can / must / have to ( + -) Викторина
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125 Викторина
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS'
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS' Флаш карти
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100 Кръстословица
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative Викторина
Lesson 04 - Plural nouns - Controlled practice
Lesson 04 - Plural nouns - Controlled practice Група сортиране
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives Етикетирани диаграма
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language Мач
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases Етикетирани диаграма
Conversación (A1/A2)
Conversación (A1/A2) Случайни колело
Conversation Starters (A1/A2)
Conversation Starters (A1/A2) Случайни колело
Questions about you - 'be' practice
Questions about you - 'be' practice Случайни колело
Let's talk about you
Let's talk about you Случайни колело
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Викторина
Past simple of 'be'
Past simple of 'be' Викторина
Who am I?
Who am I? Изображение тест
Tell me about you
Tell me about you Отваряне на кутията
Verbs in English (tradução)
Verbs in English (tradução) Мач
Opposites A1 (1)
Opposites A1 (1) Съвпадение на двойки
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases Етикетирани диаграма
Countries and Nationalities
Countries and Nationalities Gameshow викторина
Would you like to...?
Would you like to...? Случайни колело
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary Палач
Places in the City
Places in the City Викторина
AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced
AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced Група сортиране
What do you usually do when it's...
What do you usually do when it's... Случайни колело
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings Етикетирани диаграма
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives Викторина
Questions with and without auxiliary verbs
Questions with and without auxiliary verbs Викторина
Subject pronoun + verb to be
Subject pronoun + verb to be Довършете изречението
Spooky story
Spooky story Довършете изречението
Strong adjectives 2
Strong adjectives 2 Викторина
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Съвпадение на двойки
Starter 1 - Verbs with nouns phrases - Lead in
Starter 1 - Verbs with nouns phrases - Lead in Група сортиране
Conversation Starters (A1/A2)
Conversation Starters (A1/A2) Случайни колело
Past Continuous
Past Continuous Unjumble
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't'
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't' Gameshow викторина
Which room is this?
Which room is this? Изображение тест
Body parts quiz
Body parts quiz Палач
Places in town
Places in town Unjumble
Verb to be Statements - Startup 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2
Verb to be Statements - Startup 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2 Довършете изречението
IRREGULAR VERBS:  Verb - Past Participle
IRREGULAR VERBS: Verb - Past Participle Търсене на дума
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary Кръстословица
Subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive adjectives
Subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive adjectives Спечели или загуби викторина
Simple past sentences
Simple past sentences Unjumble
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Съвпадение на двойки
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...?
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...? Случайни колело
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life Викторина
Simple present - Word order
Simple present - Word order Unjumble
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