
English / ESL Present simple

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Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 2
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 2 Група сортиране
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind -
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind - Викторина
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to Викторина
Present Continuous vs Simple Present
Present Continuous vs Simple Present Довършете изречението
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Simple Present vs Present Continuous Викторина
The Verb "To Have"
The Verb "To Have" Викторина
Present simple affirmative form 1
Present simple affirmative form 1 Довършете изречението
Present perfect
Present perfect Довършете изречението
Verb 'To Be' simple present (affirmative & negative)
Verb 'To Be' simple present (affirmative & negative) Случайни колело
Asking questions
Asking questions Отваряне на кутията
simple present questions
simple present questions Unjumble
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Случайни колело
Present Perfect Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Simple Викторина
Simple present
Simple present Палач
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +)
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +) Вярно или невярно
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A Отваряне на кутията
Simple present questions with I/we/you
Simple present questions with I/we/you Случайни колело
Uncramble the sentences.
Uncramble the sentences. Unjumble
The Verb "To Be"
The Verb "To Be" Довършете изречението
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2)
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2) Викторина
Sentences with TO BE
Sentences with TO BE Unjumble
BE verb: use of am/is/are
BE verb: use of am/is/are Викторина
Simple Present and Present Continuous Questions
Simple Present and Present Continuous Questions Случайни карти
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect Викторина
Present Simple Quiz - Affirmative and Negative
Present Simple Quiz - Affirmative and Negative Викторина
Present Simple Negative
Present Simple Negative Група сортиране
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Намери съвпадение
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present Unjumble
Present Perfect + for/since
Present Perfect + for/since Gameshow викторина
Verb Be Present Yes/No Questions.  Fill in Am, Is or Are to create a question.
Verb Be Present Yes/No Questions. Fill in Am, Is or Are to create a question. Викторина
Present Continuous (T/F) (new)
Present Continuous (T/F) (new) Вярно или невярно
WHAT'S THE PAST OF...? Кръстословица
Present Continuous - Questions (new)
Present Continuous - Questions (new) Викторина
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Намери съвпадение
The Past Simple (irregular verbs)
The Past Simple (irregular verbs) Палач
Simple present verbs
Simple present verbs Довършете изречението
Basic Present Simple sentences
Basic Present Simple sentences Викторина
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple Фрасвам-а-мол
Warm Up - Present Time
Warm Up - Present Time Случайни карти
Practice with the Present Continuous
Practice with the Present Continuous Викторина
A Present Continuous Story
A Present Continuous Story Довършете изречението
Irregular Verb - Past Simple
Irregular Verb - Past Simple Случайни колело
Questions for 'Who am I?'
Questions for 'Who am I?' Група сортиране
Complete with the missing word
Complete with the missing word Довършете изречението
Reorder the words to make sentences in the present perfect simple and continuous
Reorder the words to make sentences in the present perfect simple and continuous Unjumble
Grammar - Final review 3A
Grammar - Final review 3A Отваряне на кутията
Pr.S Questions
Pr.S Questions Викторина
Complete these first conditional sentences with the simple present or ‘will’
Complete these first conditional sentences with the simple present or ‘will’ Викторина
2A - Wh questions with be (present)
2A - Wh questions with be (present) Отваряне на кутията
Present Perfect review 2B
Present Perfect review 2B Викторина
Past Simple - regular verbs
Past Simple - regular verbs Довършете изречението
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Past Simple - irregular verbs Намери съвпадение
Exercising Вярно или невярно
Възстановяване на авто-записаната: ?