
Long a og

Примери от нашата общност

10 000+ резултата за "long a og"

matching words and pictures
matching words and pictures Съвпадение на двойки
Reading Comprehension Sentences
Reading Comprehension Sentences Gameshow викторина
Alphabetize the Words
Alphabetize the Words Да се класира
Missing word sentences - long /a/
Missing word sentences - long /a/ Мач
2 syllable words w/ open and closed syllables
2 syllable words w/ open and closed syllables Мач
Long vowels mazes
Long vowels mazes Преследване в лабиринт
(v-e) TWO long SOUNDS of U (/oo/ and "you")
(v-e) TWO long SOUNDS of U (/oo/ and "you") Случайни карти
Long o_OA
Long o_OA Фрасвам-а-мол
spelling of oa
spelling of oa Анаграма
long /a/ complete the sentences
long /a/ complete the sentences Довършете изречението
long /i/ word family lists
long /i/ word family lists Група сортиране
RAZ - The Kind Knight (sequence story)
RAZ - The Kind Knight (sequence story) Мач
long /i/ sentences unjumble
long /i/ sentences unjumble Unjumble
long /i/ missing word sentences
long /i/ missing word sentences Довършете изречението
o_e, or, units, and OA
o_e, or, units, and OA Случайни карти
LLI Red 11 Long A
LLI Red 11 Long A Група сортиране
long /i/ compound words
long /i/ compound words Балон поп
long /i/ sort based on spelling patterns
long /i/ sort based on spelling patterns Група сортиране
sequence Kate and Jake - RAZ story (better one)
sequence Kate and Jake - RAZ story (better one) Мач
Long A - Ai / Ay
Long A - Ai / Ay Група сортиране
y_vowel Палач
Syllable/Vowels Викторина
y as a vowel
y as a vowel Група сортиране
Magic e Whack A Mole!
Magic e Whack A Mole! Фрасвам-а-мол
y as a vowel Sentences
y as a vowel Sentences Случайни колело
Whack-a-Digraph Фрасвам-а-мол
Plural S says /Z/
Plural S says /Z/ Фрасвам-а-мол
ck or k
ck or k Фрасвам-а-мол
Two Syllable Words (Make a complete word)
Two Syllable Words (Make a complete word) Съвпадение на двойки
Whack-a-Mole /ue/
Whack-a-Mole /ue/ Фрасвам-а-мол
Gentle Cindy - Soft C and Hard C
Gentle Cindy - Soft C and Hard C Фрасвам-а-мол
More  ic/ick words
More ic/ick words Викторина
 Hard c or Soft c
Hard c or Soft c Gameshow викторина
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a)
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a) Gameshow викторина
Beginning Sound
Beginning Sound Викторина
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Група сортиране
Closed or Magic e
Closed or Magic e Група сортиране
Latin Bases
Latin Bases Викторина
Consonant le
Consonant le Случайни карти
Multisyllabic -ar words
Multisyllabic -ar words Случайни карти
Ending Blends Find the Match
Ending Blends Find the Match Намери съвпадение
Two Syllable Words vccv pattern
Two Syllable Words vccv pattern Случайни колело
Prefixes Мач
-ar -or -er endings
-ar -or -er endings Група сортиране
o_e Случайни карти
Beginning s blends
Beginning s blends Намери съвпадение
Multisyllable Vowel Teams
Multisyllable Vowel Teams Група сортиране
To Floss or Not?
To Floss or Not? Викторина
Change the Y to I?
Change the Y to I? Викторина
Consonant -le
Consonant -le Случайни карти
Ending Blends
Ending Blends Gameshow викторина
two syllable with vce matching
two syllable with vce matching Намери съвпадение
How Many Syllables?
How Many Syllables? Викторина
Missing word--consonant le
Missing word--consonant le Довършете изречението
 Open and Closed Syllable cards Boom!
Open and Closed Syllable cards Boom! Случайни карти
Short Vowels Quiz
Short Vowels Quiz Викторина
Whack-A-Mole (long a)
Whack-A-Mole (long a) Фрасвам-а-мол
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole Фрасвам-а-мол
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