

Примери от нашата общност

64 резултата за "mclass"

Suffixes: _ed, _ing
Suffixes: _ed, _ing Самолет
th, er, sh, oa letter combinations
th, er, sh, oa letter combinations Летящи плодове
Fair Food Vocab
Fair Food Vocab Палач
Say It Like You Mean It!
Say It Like You Mean It! Обръщане на плочки
/wh/ words
/wh/ words Намери съвпадение
Synonym or Antonym: Winner Takes All Vocab
Synonym or Antonym: Winner Takes All Vocab Gameshow викторина
Reader's Theatre: The Makeshift Rink
Reader's Theatre: The Makeshift Rink Търсене на дума
Letter combinations: er, sh, th, oa, wh, ol
Letter combinations: er, sh, th, oa, wh, ol Намери съвпадение
Synonyms: Vocab from "What Would Stanley Woo Do?"
Synonyms: Vocab from "What Would Stanley Woo Do?" Мач
Penny Pluto and the Platypus
Penny Pluto and the Platypus Търсене на дума
A Wild Adventure: Vocab
A Wild Adventure: Vocab Търсене на дума
 Long and short vowel simple sentences/picture matching
Long and short vowel simple sentences/picture matching Намери съвпадение
The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together: Vocab
The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together: Vocab Gameshow викторина
Plot Sequence: Winner Takes All
Plot Sequence: Winner Takes All Да се класира
Story Retell - The Family That’s Sick Together Sticks Together (Ch 1 and 2)
Story Retell - The Family That’s Sick Together Sticks Together (Ch 1 and 2) Група сортиране
Compound Words Matching
Compound Words Matching Викторина
Advanced Phonics Redux Fluency
Advanced Phonics Redux Fluency Случайни колело
Compound Words
Compound Words Мач
Whack a Mole: /ay/ words
Whack a Mole: /ay/ words Фрасвам-а-мол
Silent Letter Words
Silent Letter Words Съвпадение на двойки
Pick and Play! Irregular Words
Pick and Play! Irregular Words Обръщане на плочки
Word Families: _ab, _it, _un
Word Families: _ab, _it, _un Група сортиране
/ow/ (long o) words
/ow/ (long o) words Отваряне на кутията
Story Scramble: Music Class
Story Scramble: Music Class Да се класира
What Would Stanley Woo Do - Vocab
What Would Stanley Woo Do - Vocab Довършете изречението
Story Retell: What Will Stanley Woo Do?
Story Retell: What Will Stanley Woo Do? Да се класира
Wordsearch: The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together
Wordsearch: The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together Търсене на дума
The Quest for the Golden Fleece
The Quest for the Golden Fleece Търсене на дума
"What Will Stanley Woo Do?" Vocab
"What Will Stanley Woo Do?" Vocab Съвпадение на двойки
Sound Search: th (initial sound)
Sound Search: th (initial sound) Самолет
/th/ initial sound words (that, than, the, then, them, they, their, these)
/th/ initial sound words (that, than, the, then, them, they, their, these) Намери съвпадение
/oe/ long o words
/oe/ long o words Фрасвам-а-мол
Vowel Combinations (oe, ay, ai, ea, ie, oa, ey, au)
Vowel Combinations (oe, ay, ai, ea, ie, oa, ey, au) Случайни колело
The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together - Ch 1 and 2
The Family That's Sick Together Sticks Together - Ch 1 and 2 Да се класира
Word Stack - Regular and Irregular Words (grades 4-6)
Word Stack - Regular and Irregular Words (grades 4-6) Случайни карти
Advanced Phonics Redux Fluency
Advanced Phonics Redux Fluency Флаш карти
 Silent e (VCe) Accuracy: Match long vowel words to short vowel words
Silent e (VCe) Accuracy: Match long vowel words to short vowel words Случайни колело
Contractions Намери съвпадение
A Wild Adventure - Hit or Miss!
A Wild Adventure - Hit or Miss! Gameshow викторина
Guess My Punctuation
Guess My Punctuation Викторина
High Frequency Irregular Words
High Frequency Irregular Words Балон поп
Letter Combination Fluency: ai, au, aw, ay, ea, ey, ound, ought, oi, ou, oe, oo, ow
Letter Combination Fluency: ai, au, aw, ay, ea, ey, ound, ought, oi, ou, oe, oo, ow Случайни колело
"What Will Stanley Woo Do?" Vocab Word Search
"What Will Stanley Woo Do?" Vocab Word Search Търсене на дума
Reader's Theatre: A Winter's Tale
Reader's Theatre: A Winter's Tale Търсене на дума
Letter Combinations
Letter Combinations Летящи плодове
Pick the Sound: Vowel Combinations
Pick the Sound: Vowel Combinations Обръщане на плочки
MCLASS Quest Случайни колело
Syllables (mclass)
Syllables (mclass) Съвпадение на двойки
Speed Battle: At the Dentist's Office (Multisyllabic Words)
Speed Battle: At the Dentist's Office (Multisyllabic Words) Обръщане на плочки
Multisyllabic Words Game (A Secret Gift)
Multisyllabic Words Game (A Secret Gift) Обръщане на плочки
The Gift of the Great Venus Flytrap
The Gift of the Great Venus Flytrap Обръщане на плочки
Speed Battle! Multisyllabic Words from Three Birthday Parties
Speed Battle! Multisyllabic Words from Three Birthday Parties Обръщане на плочки
Speed Battle: "The Coolest Convention" Syllabication
Speed Battle: "The Coolest Convention" Syllabication Обръщане на плочки
Speed Battle! (Multisyllabic Words from "A Panda Headcount")
Speed Battle! (Multisyllabic Words from "A Panda Headcount") Обръщане на плочки
Mclass  words A
Mclass words A Случайни колело
mclass sight words
mclass sight words Случайни колело
Mclass FAKE WORDS Случайни карти
mclass trick words EOY
mclass trick words EOY Случайни колело
Word/Picture Memory: Grade 4-6 mCLASS
Word/Picture Memory: Grade 4-6 mCLASS Съвпадение на двойки
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