
Reading Phonics And fundational

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Decoding CVC Words
Decoding CVC Words Викторина
CVC Decoding 2
CVC Decoding 2 Мач
Letter Identification: Uppercase
Letter Identification: Uppercase Мач
Letter Dictation: Lowercase
Letter Dictation: Lowercase Случайни карти
Middle Sound
Middle Sound Викторина
Ending Sound
Ending Sound Викторина
Letter Sounds: Part 2
Letter Sounds: Part 2 Мач
Sight Word: Color by Word, Set 1
Sight Word: Color by Word, Set 1 Случайни карти
Beginning/Middle/Ending Sound
Beginning/Middle/Ending Sound Викторина
Letter Sounds: Part 1
Letter Sounds: Part 1 Мач
Letter Identification: Lowercase
Letter Identification: Lowercase Мач
Same Sound: Beginning, middle, ending
Same Sound: Beginning, middle, ending Викторина
Alphabet Labeling
Alphabet Labeling Етикетирани диаграма
 oi and oy picture sort
oi and oy picture sort Група сортиране
Beginning Sound: Animals
Beginning Sound: Animals Викторина
 Syllable Blending
Syllable Blending Обръщане на плочки
Long O Sort It
Long O Sort It Група сортиране
long a sort it
long a sort it Група сортиране
Vowel-Consonant-E Words
Vowel-Consonant-E Words Фрасвам-а-мол
 prepositions  IN/UNDER/ON
prepositions IN/UNDER/ON Викторина
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/ Викторина
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels Gameshow викторина
Bossy R Read & Sort
Bossy R Read & Sort Група сортиране
FIS lesson   /k/  & /g/
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/ Фрасвам-а-мол
5.8 prefixes non-, dis-, un-, in-
5.8 prefixes non-, dis-, un-, in- Викторина
Revising and Editing Practice
Revising and Editing Practice Gameshow викторина
Barton Book 4 Review
Barton Book 4 Review Викторина
Wilson substep 1.2 all vowels
Wilson substep 1.2 all vowels Анаграма
Barton 3.4 BOOM  real and nonsense
Barton 3.4 BOOM real and nonsense Случайни карти
Digraph Words
Digraph Words Съвпадение на двойки
 (u, ue, u_e, ew) with clues
(u, ue, u_e, ew) with clues Палач
Barton 3.8 Sight Words Read/Spell
Barton 3.8 Sight Words Read/Spell Случайни колело
YES/NO OCEAN ANIMALS (COmmotion in the Ocean)
YES/NO OCEAN ANIMALS (COmmotion in the Ocean) Вярно или невярно
Barton Book 1: Which Sound Changed?
Barton Book 1: Which Sound Changed? Викторина
4.10 Schwa Rules Sort
4.10 Schwa Rules Sort Група сортиране
Barton 6.14 IN or IM
Barton 6.14 IN or IM Група сортиране
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence Викторина
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound Gameshow викторина
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule Викторина
Barton 6.14 Prefix review
Barton 6.14 Prefix review Мач
 Barton 7.3 #1 Vowel R-Silent E  (BOOM)
Barton 7.3 #1 Vowel R-Silent E (BOOM) Случайни карти
Barton 5.7 -tion vs. -sion
Barton 5.7 -tion vs. -sion Gameshow викторина
Barton 2.3 Sort by vowels
Barton 2.3 Sort by vowels Група сортиране
  -at Word Family word search
-at Word Family word search Намери съвпадение
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t Случайни колело
6.2 BOOM syllable division with silent e
6.2 BOOM syllable division with silent e Случайни карти
 3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup
3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup Мач
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions Случайни колело
Barton 9.7 Match Up
Barton 9.7 Match Up Съвпадение на двойки
Barton 6-12 matching c-le
Barton 6-12 matching c-le Съвпадение на двойки
7.1-7.2  AR, OR, IR, ER, UR   "SLIME"
7.1-7.2 AR, OR, IR, ER, UR "SLIME" Случайни карти
Barton 3.8 Units
Barton 3.8 Units Съвпадение на двойки
Barton 7.1-7.8  HFW  (Vowel R BOOM card)
Barton 7.1-7.8 HFW (Vowel R BOOM card) Случайни карти
Barton 3.10  weirdo contractions
Barton 3.10 weirdo contractions Съвпадение на двойки
Barton 3.10 regular contractions
Barton 3.10 regular contractions Съвпадение на двойки
Barton 9.8 matching
Barton 9.8 matching Съвпадение на двойки
3.9 Catch Lunch rhyming
3.9 Catch Lunch rhyming Съвпадение на двойки
Barton 7.3 Vowel R-Silent E
Barton 7.3 Vowel R-Silent E Случайни колело
Barton 7.4 SW match
Barton 7.4 SW match Съвпадение на двойки
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