What did the Sahabah, Tabiun, and scholars take care of? - Memorize the Traditions of Rasulullah, write them down, and teach them, What did the later generations add? - Many untrue beliefs into their Prophet's lives and teachings, What are false Ahadith? - Untrue, What did Rasulullah warn the Muslims? - Anyone who tells a lie about me, will find his place in the Hell-fire", What did the Muslim scholars develop? - System of examination and criticism to test the authenticity of each Hadith, What does Isnad mean? - Chain of transmission, What did Muhaddithun establish? - A method in which Isnad and Matn were carefully examined, What are the rules and principles of Isnad's criticism? - Must be traceable to the original reporter, having a good memory, and Hadith reported by several narrators,

Criticism of the Ahadith



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