1) Which is the correct spelling? a) Becos b) Becuase c) Because d) Beccose 2) Which is the correct spelling? a) Where b) Ware c) Whare d) Wheir 3) Which is the correct spelling? a) Chilrun b) Chuldrun c) Children d) Chuldren 4) Which is the correct spelling? a) Wonse b) Onse c) Wonce d) Once 5) Which is the correct spelling? a) Peepul b) Peple c) Peopel d) People 6) Which is the correct spelling? a) Animul b) Animal c) Animle d) Anamal 7) Which is the correct spelling? a) Every b) Evry c) Evrey d) Everry 8) Which is the correct spelling? a) Ater b) After c) Affta d) Aftar 9) Which is the correct spelling? a) Carn’t b) Can’t c) Car’nt d) Cant 10) Which is the correct spelling? a) Knoo b) Now c) Know d) Knowe

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