Numpty - Fire on his head, Hapless - Eaten by a bear , Pillock - Took 7 pills, Dippy - Piranha got her bottom, Dummkopf - Turns to a skeleton, Dimwit - Got burned , Stupe - Teach'd it self how to fly , Lax - Ate a 2 week old Underated pie, Doomed - In a trash bag , Numskull - Has a head exploded, Bungle - Plying hide and seek in a dryer, Mishap - Has her eye bitten by a snake, Dunce - Has his kidney's out, Clamity - Ate superglue , Ninny - Pressed the big red button, Botch - Got shoted, Doofus - Got stung by wasps, Stumble - Got cutted into thirds , Bonehead - In a car and got runner over by a train, Putz - Was in half’s and has a balloon,

Dumb ways to die


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