wild - My dog is always so __________ when we let him out of his cage., gold - The pirates were in search of __________!, fold - When the laundry is done we have to _______ the clothes., remind - I need to ___________ my mom to make my lunch choices before school. , grind - In order to make coffee, we need to ________ the beans. , jolt - The electricity sent a big ________ through my body. , most - Which one got the ________ points? , child - The _______ was crying after she fell down. , sure - Are you _________?, laugh - I heard a loud silly ______ from the audience when I told my joke. , many - There are too _______ pencils on the ground! , hold - Can you _______ my stuff for me while I open the door? ,

word familes-ild, old, ind, olt, ost 2



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