Passover can be viewed as an opportunity for a spring cleaning for the soul. What do you want to cleanse or remove from your life this Passover?, Read the phrase aloud. What does it say? Eel Hi Jazz Sick Up, Can you think of a fifth question to add to Mah Nishtanah?, Read the phrase aloud. What does it say? Dye Hey New, In 6 words, describe pharaoh, Which plague is the worst. Why?, The roasted egg on the Seder plate represents the fragility of life. What is something new that you are ready to try this year?, If a Martian came to your seder, which symbol or ritual would you want to show them first?, Are there signs around us that God exists? What are they?, Pharaoh Vs. Moses: What are the ingredients to be a great leader?.

Passover Wheel


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