1) This ... a painting I know. a) look b) looks c) look like d) looks like 2) He ... good-looking. a) looks like b) looks c) look d) look like 3) She ... an angel. a) looks like b) looks c) look d) look like 4) It ... colourful. a) looks like b) looks c) look d) look like 5) What does she look like? a) She's tall and thin. b) She's really friendly and cute, too. 6) What's he like? a) He's tall and thin. b) He's really friendly and cute, too. 7) Wow, look at Alice! She ... a pop star with those sunglasses. a) looks b) looks like c) look d) like 8) Are you all right, Tom? You ... sad. What’s wrong? a) looks b) look c) look like d) looks like

Look x Look like



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