Celestial Body - A natural object in the sky. , Planet - An object that does not undergo nuclear fusion but orbits one or more stars, called a natural satellite of a sun.  , Dwarf Planet - An object that orbits a star and is similar to a planet but is not large enough to clear its orbital path of debris.  , Exoplanet - A planet outside of our solar system that orbits a star/sun.  , Moon - A natural object that orbits a planet, or a natural satellite of a planet  , Asteroid - Objects orbiting the sun that do not fulfil planetary criteria.  , Star - A large ball of hot gases/plasma that is undergoing nuclear fusion and emitting electromagnetic radiation.  , Sun - A star at the centre of a solar system.  , Solar System - One or more stars orbited by planets.  , Galaxy - A cluster of gravitationally bound stars, gas and dust clouds.  , Universe - Consists of many galaxies separated by empty space.  , Big Bang Theory - The rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high density (a singularity) and temperature which (according to current cosmological theories) marked the origin of the universe. , The Age of the Universe - 13.8 billion years , Year - The time taken for an planet to orbit its sun., Day - The time taken for a celestial object to rotate on its axis. ,

Space Definitions 2


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