In a typical rock ____ there is a ____, a drummer, two ____ players and a ____ guitarist. Sometimes there is a ____ player too. In a rock ____ the musicians stay on the ____. The ____ is in front of the group. If the concert is good there are a lot of ____ and everyone is ____. 1. Do your parents give money to street ____ 2. What's the best place to listen to live ____ in your town? 3. Is your favourite singer a solo ____ or is he in a group? 4. Who in your family can play a musical ____ 1. Musical instruments you play with your hands: ____, ____, ____, bass ____, ____, ____, ____. 1. Do you like dancing? Have you got any dance ____. Who is the best composer of the ____ music? 3. Do you think it's more difficult to be a ____ dancer or a break dancer? 4. What is your favourite ____ song? 5. Where does the Oscar ____ take place? 2. Musical instruments you play with your hands and mouth: ____, ____, ____, ____. People who work in music or dance: ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


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