1) It was snowing outside. a) Cause b) Effect 2) As a result, she was late getting to school. a) Cause b) Effect 3) This led the teacher to make him do the work at recess. a) Cause b) Effect 4) I studied for the test. a) Cause b) Effect 5) I practiced my multiplication facts all week. a) Cause b) Effect 6) Therefore I got 100% on the test. a) Cause b) Effect 7) Tracy missed the bus in the morning. a) Cause b) Effect 8) So I became very good at multiplying numbers. a) Cause b) Effect 9) I had to shovel all the snow. a) Cause b) Effect 10) Mark forgot to bring his homework to school. a) Cause b) Effect

Cause and Effect: Life Situations



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