1) Physical Activity a) a broad term that describes all forms of muscle movements including sports, dance, games, work, lifestyle activities, and exercises for fitness b) ability to function efficiently and effectively 2) Physical Fitness a) The body's ability to function efficiently & effectively b) describes all forms of muscle movements 3) Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer a) measures resistance to the flow of an electrical signal in the body b) measures the median or middle value from specific areas of the body 4) Force a) A push or pull that acts on an object b) The force is strong with you 5) BMI a) Body Mass Index b) Your body's ratio of lean muscle to stored fat 6) Skinfold measurements a) measures the median or middle value from specific areas of the body b) measures resistance to the flow of an electrical signal in the body 7) Body Composition a) Your body's ratio of lean muscle to stored fat b) A push or pull that acts on an objectr 8) Exercise a) Physical activity done for the purpose of getting physically fit. (Planned, structured, repetitive) b) Your body's ability to function efficiently & effectively

Academic Vocabulary/Body Composition


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