1) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 54 b) 71 c) 86 2) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 55 b) 64 c) 95 3) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 26 b) 32 c) 82 4) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 24 b) 31 c) 55 5) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 33 b) 62 c) 89 6) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 40 b) 78 c) 94 7) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 22 b) 31 c) 78 8) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 39 b) 77 c) 82 9) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 32 b) 54 c) 70 10) Which number is in the wrong spot on the number line? a) 88 b) 89 c) 96

Ordering Numbers On a Number Line


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