modern American plated service - the food is completely prepared, portioned, plated, garnished in the kitchen , focal point - is a service point., family service - food is delivered on a large platter or dish to an individual table , classical French service - It is used internationally when a formal style of service is desired., Russian service - is the same as English service , butler service - the server carries the prepared food on a silver tray to standing or seated customers. Customers serve them-selves from the trays, Banquette - is a type of seating arrangement in which customers are seated facing the server with their backs against the wall., theme restaurant - often tries to recreate another place or time. Customers enjoy seeing sports memorabilia or an indoor waterfall in the middle of a simulated rain forest., fine-dining restaurant - has an environment with excellent food, elegant decor, and superior service., casual-dining establishment  - Attracts people who like to eat out, but are not interested in a formal atmosphere or high prices.,

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