The calendar of cases to be heard, Statement of the cases facts and the ruling of more than 50% of the justices, 4 justices, 75-80, If the case involves a key constitutional question, courts of appeal differ in their decisions, or involves a real dispute, , a statement written by a justice who disagrees with the majority opinion, presenting their own opinion, A written document that explains one sides position on the case, Each side will submit their written argument and respond to the other sides' brief., Each week, the justices will meet in secret to make the final decisions. Each justice, in order of seniority, will state their views on the case. 6 justices must be present. Majority vote decides a case., statement written by a justice who votes with the majority, but for different reasons than the others., Latin term means “let the decision stand.” It refers to the practice of using earlier court decisions to decide cases. By following precedent, courts make the law predictable..

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