1) Which word has the SAME sound as ew in crew? a) goose b) grout c) creep d) crazy 2) Which word has the SAME sound as ue in blue? a) crust b) crew c) bug d) best 3) Which word has the SAME sound as ou in you? a) yuck b) trip c) trust d) true 4) Which word has the SAME sound as ue in blue? a) soon b) stomp c) blurt d) best 5) Which word has the SAME sound as oo in scoop? a) group b) scout c) pout d) great 6) Which word has the SAME sound as oo in boost? a) most b) bird c) state d) stew 7) Which word has the SAME sound as ue in glue? a) soup b) glow c) stop d) store 8) Which word has the SAME sound as ew in news? a) need b) you c) next d) you're 9) Which word has the SAME sound as oo in pool? a) put b) pot c) due d) dug 10) Which word has the SAME sound as oo in noon? a) sweep b) brew c) nope d) brat 11) Which word has the SAME sound as ew in brew? a) break b) post c) point d) pool

Journeys L26 Mysterious Tadpole: Phonics oo, ew, ue, ou


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